
Class inheritance and migrations

By default local-migrator uses migrations of parent class if defined:

Lets see this code sample:

import json
from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel
from local_migrator import Encoder

class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str
    birth_date: date

class Employee(Person):
    company: str

data = Employee(name="John Smith", birth_date=date(1980, 1, 15), company="napari")

with open("employee.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(data, f, cls=Encoder)

Assume that one would like to split Person.name into two fields: names and last_name. Also there is a need to load data from previous version. Following code will do it:

import json
from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel
from local_migrator import object_hook, register_class

def _migrate_person(dkt):
    dkt = dict(dkt) # copy for safety
    name_list = dkt["name"].rsplit(" ", 1)
    if len(name_list) == 1:
        dkt["names"] = name_list[0]
        dkt["last_name"] = ""
        dkt["names"], dkt["last_name"] = name_list
    return dkt

@register_class("0.0.1", migrations=[("0.0.1", _migrate_person)])
class Person(BaseModel):
    names: str
    last_name: str
    birth_date: date

class Employee(Person):
    company: str

data = Employee(names="John", last_name="Smith", birth_date=date(1980, 1, 15), company="napari")

with open("employee.json",) as f:
    data2 = json.load(f, object_hook=object_hook)

assert data == data2
register_class() has a use_parent_migrations argument by

default set to True. If set to False, parents class migration will be ignored. This may be usefully in some rare examples, when fixing old data structures.


The nme.update_argument() is a helper function that allow update the dict argument of a function to class based (for example pydantic.BaseModel based) keeping backward compatibility.

Lets have function:

from typing import Dict

def my_function(arg: Dict[str, int]):
    return arg.get("a", 1) + arg.get("b", 2)

assert my_function({"a":5}) == 7

And assume that we would like to use nme for serialize argument of this function and have option to use migration engine.

To keep backward compatibility we can wrote following code:

from typing import Dict
from pydantic import BaseModel
from local_migrator import update_argument

class MyArgument(BaseModel):
    a: int = 1
    b: int = 2

def my_function(arg: MyArgument):
    return arg.a + arg.b

assert my_function({"a":5}) == 7
assert my_function(MyArgument(a=5)) == 7

update_argument use inspect module to determine argument class.

CBOR support

cbor2 encoder (cbor_encoder) and object hook (cbor_decoder) are available.

import cbor2
from pydantic import BaseModel
from local_migrator import cbor_encoder, cbor_decoder

class SampleModel(BaseModel):
    field1: int
    field2: str

data = SampleModel(field1=4, field2="abc")

with open("sample.cbor", "wb") as f_p:
    cbor2.dump(data, f_p, default=cbor_encoder)

with open("sample.cbor", "rb") as f_p:
    data2 = cbor2.load(f_p, object_hook=cbor_decoder)

assert data == data2